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Sales optimization packages

Improving sales function

  • Customer journey map creation

  • Sales funnel generation

  • Determination of lead generation channels

  • Setting KPIs for sales team

Understanding the mind of customers can be challenging. You think you have accounted for their wants and needs, but then new technology, preferences, and buying trends emerge. And in these changing words, our team can help you optimize your sales and marketing efforts in order to achieve your business goals. The main aim of this package is to attract and convert your visitors into customers.
Our experts identify your lead generation channels and create sales funnels for each of them, build a customer journey map and what is more important, provide learning to your sales team how to work with these tools and to your Sales Manager, how to motivate Sales Team with KPIs


Building autonomous sales team

  • Sales function isolation

  • Determination of lead generation channels

  • Setting KPIs for sales team

We help growth businesses to separate sales functions and create understandable for sales team scripts of action and communications with clients. 

Our team supports your business process from 2 sides: give sales people necessary tools to perform and provide a motivational system of compensation rewards.

We design the operating model that will be used to sell, serve, and support accounts scripts for sales and create a list of sales team responsibilities. Our experts indicate channels are needed to deliver your revenue goals and provide scripts for communication with clients for each channel. 


As a result of our service you receive understanding determination of lead generation channels and how to work with them, detailed sales process description, understanding which information about clients to collect in the database to meet sales goals, structured reporting for your sales and sales support roles.

Our experts develop simple and transparent metrics and performance management system based on the following: sales target measurement, daily and weekly measurement  of your sales team ongoing effectiveness, define the day-to-day focus for your salespeople, 3-steps sales team motivation system.



Personal consultation

Want to get an answer to a particular question? Book a consultation

Goal: Get answers to your business questions

Participants: Damadvice expert and up to two your representatives

Duration > 1 hour

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Sales function
Sales team
Sales packages

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